Guitar Mythology and You

1 Lesson
For Beginners

Guitar Mythology and You

Are you tired of repeating the same old phrases? Or are you looking at ways of integrating new licks and ideas into your daily playing? Do you find practice often starts out great, but after a few days you find yourself moving away from your routine?

Short Course Info

For Beginners
Aug 9, 2024

About the Lesson

In this live Masterclass, filmed at the Brighton Guitar Show in 2024 titled 'Guitar Mythology and You' Sam looks at various practical ways we can focus on in our own playing, not just the playing of others.

Sam takes our focus away from all the legendary stuff, back to the basic stuff that we all already have. He takes the audience through various practical ways of practicing, taking what we already have, auditing our playing and cultivating new pathways with the knowledge you already have available to you. Inviting the audience to look to their own playing experience to help them find what is right for them, based on their own preferences, whilst also addressing key areas of practice that will always cultivate progress and inspiration.

What you'll Learn

  • How to audit your playing, to focus on what is important to you and get rid of stuff that isn't serving you.
  • Coming back to your senses whilst playing for better connection and learning.
  • Choosing areas to practice, creating experiments, bringing play into practice.
  • The Importance of Rhythm and Phrasing. How to actually practice this key area of musicality.
  • Breaking things down to their fundamental core, getting inspiration from something simple
  • And much more!

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